Source code for kittycad.api.file.get_file_conversion_with_base64_helper

import base64
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from ...api.api_calls.get_async_operation import asyncio as fc_asyncio, sync as fc_sync
from ...client import Client
from ...models import Error
from ...models.file_conversion import FileConversion

[docs]def sync( id: str, *, client: Client, ) -> Optional[Union[Any, FileConversion, Error]]: """Get the status of a file conversion. This function automatically base64 decodes the output response if there is one.""" fc = fc_sync( id=id, client=client, ) if isinstance(fc, FileConversion) and fc.output != "": if isinstance(fc.output, str): b = base64.b64decode(fc.output + "=" * (-len(fc.output) % 4)) # decode the bytes to a string fc.output = b.decode("utf-8") return fc
[docs]async def asyncio( id: str, *, client: Client, ) -> Optional[Union[Any, FileConversion, Error]]: """Get the status of a file conversion. This function automatically base64 decodes the output response if there is one.""" fc = await fc_asyncio( id=id, client=client, ) if isinstance(fc, FileConversion) and fc.output != "": if isinstance(fc.output, str): b = base64.b64decode(fc.output + "=" * (-len(fc.output) % 4)) # decode the bytes to a string fc.output = b.decode("utf-8") return fc