Source code for kittycad.models.api_call_with_price

import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Type, TypeVar, Union

import attr
from dateutil.parser import isoparse

from ..models.method import Method
from ..models.uuid import Uuid
from ..types import UNSET, Unset

QP = TypeVar("QP", bound="ApiCallWithPrice")

[docs]@attr.s(auto_attribs=True) class ApiCallWithPrice: """An API call with the price. This is a join of the `ApiCall` and `ApiCallPrice` tables.""" # noqa: E501 completed_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] = UNSET created_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] = UNSET duration: Union[Unset, int] = UNSET email: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET endpoint: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET ip_address: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET litterbox: Union[Unset, bool] = False method: Union[Unset, Method] = UNSET minutes: Union[Unset, int] = UNSET origin: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET price: Union[Unset, float] = UNSET request_body: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET request_query_params: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET response_body: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET started_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] = UNSET status_code: Union[Unset, int] = UNSET stripe_invoice_item_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET token: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET updated_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] = UNSET user_agent: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET user_id: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET additional_properties: Dict[str, Any] = attr.ib(init=False, factory=dict)
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: completed_at: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET if not isinstance(self.completed_at, Unset): completed_at = self.completed_at.isoformat() created_at: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET if not isinstance(self.created_at, Unset): created_at = self.created_at.isoformat() duration = self.duration email = endpoint = self.endpoint id = ip_address = self.ip_address litterbox = self.litterbox if not isinstance(self.method, Unset): method = self.method minutes = self.minutes origin = self.origin price = self.price request_body = self.request_body request_query_params = self.request_query_params response_body = self.response_body started_at: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET if not isinstance(self.started_at, Unset): started_at = self.started_at.isoformat() status_code = self.status_code stripe_invoice_item_id = self.stripe_invoice_item_id token = self.token updated_at: Union[Unset, str] = UNSET if not isinstance(self.updated_at, Unset): updated_at = self.updated_at.isoformat() user_agent = self.user_agent user_id = self.user_id field_dict: Dict[str, Any] = {} field_dict.update(self.additional_properties) field_dict.update({}) if completed_at is not UNSET: field_dict["completed_at"] = completed_at if created_at is not UNSET: field_dict["created_at"] = created_at if duration is not UNSET: field_dict["duration"] = duration if email is not UNSET: field_dict["email"] = email if endpoint is not UNSET: field_dict["endpoint"] = endpoint if id is not UNSET: field_dict["id"] = id if ip_address is not UNSET: field_dict["ip_address"] = ip_address if litterbox is not UNSET: field_dict["litterbox"] = litterbox if method is not UNSET: field_dict["method"] = method if minutes is not UNSET: field_dict["minutes"] = minutes if origin is not UNSET: field_dict["origin"] = origin if price is not UNSET: field_dict["price"] = price if request_body is not UNSET: field_dict["request_body"] = request_body if request_query_params is not UNSET: field_dict["request_query_params"] = request_query_params if response_body is not UNSET: field_dict["response_body"] = response_body if started_at is not UNSET: field_dict["started_at"] = started_at if status_code is not UNSET: field_dict["status_code"] = status_code if stripe_invoice_item_id is not UNSET: field_dict["stripe_invoice_item_id"] = stripe_invoice_item_id if token is not UNSET: field_dict["token"] = token if updated_at is not UNSET: field_dict["updated_at"] = updated_at if user_agent is not UNSET: field_dict["user_agent"] = user_agent if user_id is not UNSET: field_dict["user_id"] = user_id return field_dict
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls: Type[QP], src_dict: Dict[str, Any]) -> QP: d = src_dict.copy() _completed_at = d.pop("completed_at", UNSET) completed_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] if isinstance(_completed_at, Unset): completed_at = UNSET else: completed_at = isoparse(_completed_at) _created_at = d.pop("created_at", UNSET) created_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] if isinstance(_created_at, Unset): created_at = UNSET else: created_at = isoparse(_created_at) duration = d.pop("duration", UNSET) email = d.pop("email", UNSET) endpoint = d.pop("endpoint", UNSET) _id = d.pop("id", UNSET) id: Union[Unset, Uuid] if isinstance(_id, Unset): id = UNSET else: id = _id # type: ignore[arg-type] ip_address = d.pop("ip_address", UNSET) litterbox = d.pop("litterbox", UNSET) _method = d.pop("method", UNSET) method: Union[Unset, Method] if isinstance(_method, Unset): method = UNSET else: method = _method # type: ignore[arg-type] minutes = d.pop("minutes", UNSET) origin = d.pop("origin", UNSET) price = d.pop("price", UNSET) request_body = d.pop("request_body", UNSET) request_query_params = d.pop("request_query_params", UNSET) response_body = d.pop("response_body", UNSET) _started_at = d.pop("started_at", UNSET) started_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] if isinstance(_started_at, Unset): started_at = UNSET else: started_at = isoparse(_started_at) status_code = d.pop("status_code", UNSET) stripe_invoice_item_id = d.pop("stripe_invoice_item_id", UNSET) _token = d.pop("token", UNSET) token: Union[Unset, Uuid] if isinstance(_token, Unset): token = UNSET else: token = _token # type: ignore[arg-type] _updated_at = d.pop("updated_at", UNSET) updated_at: Union[Unset, datetime.datetime] if isinstance(_updated_at, Unset): updated_at = UNSET else: updated_at = isoparse(_updated_at) user_agent = d.pop("user_agent", UNSET) user_id = d.pop("user_id", UNSET) api_call_with_price = cls( completed_at=completed_at, created_at=created_at, duration=duration, email=email, endpoint=endpoint, id=id, ip_address=ip_address, litterbox=litterbox, method=method, minutes=minutes, origin=origin, price=price, request_body=request_body, request_query_params=request_query_params, response_body=response_body, started_at=started_at, status_code=status_code, stripe_invoice_item_id=stripe_invoice_item_id, token=token, updated_at=updated_at, user_agent=user_agent, user_id=user_id, ) api_call_with_price.additional_properties = d return api_call_with_price
@property def additional_keys(self) -> List[str]: return list(self.additional_properties.keys())
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> Any: return self.additional_properties[key]
[docs] def __setitem__(self, key: str, value: Any) -> None: self.additional_properties[key] = value
[docs] def __delitem__(self, key: str) -> None: del self.additional_properties[key]
[docs] def __contains__(self, key: str) -> bool: return key in self.additional_properties